Tuesday, November 05, 2019

The Timothy Project: Joining Hands to Build Leaders

During the last week of October, I (Darrell) was able to be a part of an exciting example of international cooperation.  The Timothy Project is an effort which is currently training 100 church leaders in the western part of Rwanda called Kibuye.  Our Rwandan partner, the AEBR, also work with the Danish Baptists (BUD), and Timothy is one of their projects that comes out of that partnership.  When the project began, since its focus was church leadership development in the AEBR, I was invited to be a part of it (with CBM’s blessing).  The first Timothy Project ran in the southern part of the country from 2015-2017.  The next phase (which in the office we like to refer to as “2nd Timothy” J) is in the western part of Rwanda on Lake Kivu, in a village called Bumba in the area called Kibuye.  It is wonderful to see Rwandans, Danes and Canadians all joining hands and working together to build up and encourage the Baptist church leaders in that part of the country.

The church in Bumba, Kibuye (yellow building) nestled high up in the hills
(the edge of Lake Kivu on far right)

Each time they meet, there is a different emphasis on leadership.  The third module, which just took place, was focused on communication.  We discussed such things as “Why is Communication Important?”, “Communication and the Bible”, “Conflict and Difficult Communication” and “The Five Love Languages”.  Besides myself, the other faciliators were Jonas Mortensen (BUD) and Nathan Ndyamiyemenshi (the project manager from AEBR).  

Leading a morning devotion
Jonas (BUD), Nathan (AEBR) and Enias (Sub-Regional Pastor for the area)
Teaching about the 5 Love Languages
Jonas teaching about adapting your communication style

Each church that participates sends four or five leaders as a team.  Usually that includes the pastor and the heads of women’s ministry, youth ministry, and deacons.  For two-and-a-half days we sang, learned, discussed, danced, shared and prayed.  

Enjoying a moment of fun
A spontaneous dance of joy by some of the women

It is always so rewarding to see people who are willing to travel long distances (often walking), stay in less than ideal accommodations, and sit and learn for many hours in order to take advantage of an opportunity to grow as a leader.  They are always so incredibly grateful.  And it is so exciting to hear how they are taking what they are learning back to their churches and using it as they seek to be faithful leaders of God’s people.

Practicing some new communication skills

Everyone taking a few minutes to try new techniques

The only thing that makes training leaders more exciting is to join with others to do it!  One of the great blessings of serving internationally is the opportunity to be reminded of how wonderful it is to be a part of God’s family which extends around the world.