Sunday, November 04, 2018

The African Leadership Exchange

The last few weeks we have been busy preparing for and participating in the African Leadership Exchange (ALE).  This is a CBM initiative which is bringing together four key leaders from each of our East African partners—ACC&S (Kenya), AEBR (Rwanda), CBCA (DRCongo) and FEBAC (South Sudan).  Each time they gather, it is a time of learning and growing as they share with each other and interact with facilitators.  While the first two modules took place in Kenya, the third module was hosted here in Rwanda from Oct 21-26 in Kibuye, on the eastern shore of Lake Kivu.

Since it was held in Rwanda, most of the logistics for the conference were organized by Laura Lee.  Darrell’s participation was to be one of the ALE facilitators.  We are grateful that the week went very well and feel honoured to have been invited to be a part of such an amazing group of people.

To help share a little bit of what the experience was like, Aaron Kenny (our African Team Leader together with is wife, Erica) has posted a five minute video update about ALE, which includes an interview with Darrell.  You can watch it at the following link: .

Please pray for these leaders who are each serving God faithfully in very challenging circumstances.